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Reloading Projectiles Rifle Projectiles 30cal

Sierra 30cal 155gr HPBT Match #2155

$135.00 incl GST

Sierra are the Bulletsmiths!

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Sierra, 30cal


brand: sierra
caliber: 30cal
grains: 155gr


Sierra 30cal 155gr HPBT Match #2155

The 155-grain #2155 was specifically created for the PALMA competition (800, 900, and 1000 yards). This bullet was first launched at the 1992 PALMA events in Raton, New Mexico, and has received high appreciation from long-range competitive shooters all around the world.

Sierra MatchKing bullets have set the global standard for reliable accuracy in pistols and rifles. All 30 caliber MatchKings have been utilized in handgun silhouettes and long-range target competitions since the debut of the high-performance Remington XP-100 and similar handguns chambering bigger rifle rounds. At all ranges, Sierra's renowned MatchKing design ensures exceptional accuracy, flat trajectory, and high momentum delivery with little sensitivity to crosswinds.

➼ Diameter(inch): 0.308
➼ Weight(grains): 155 gr 
➼ Box of 100


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